VESTA – Proactive protection against phishing-based ransomware
Every year, millions of users fall victim to malware threats in various ways. VESTA project aims to develop a European cybersecurity system to proactively protect systems against ransomware attacks. It combines multiple techniques such as AI/ML, Data and knowledge extraction, anti-phishing, human behaviour analysis and Sandboxing, to build a multilayer ransomware attack mitigation platform capable of preventing, defending, and remediating from such attacks. Moreover, VESTA may also tackle the challenges related to the multi-language nature of phishing emails via collaboration between partners from different countries.
Project leader:
Filipe Custódio
VVisionWare – Sistemas de Informação, S.A., Portugal
- Crisalyde
- ISEP – Association ISEP-Edouard Branly
- Softeam
- Université de Lorraine / LORIA (UMR 7503)
- Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP)
- VisionWare – Sistemas de Informação, S.A.
- Caretronic d.o.o.
- Panel Sistemas
- Sotec Consulting
- University of Madrid Carlos III
- BEAM Teknoloji A.Ş.
- duSoft Yazılım A.Ş.
- NetRD
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