BEIA GmbH has developed a telemetry platform that consists of 3 modules:

  • IoT sensors (integrating sensorial technologies for various applications, ranging from monitoring environmental conditions, to smart cities, energy management and agriculture);
  • Time-critical cloud platform (modular architecture which facilitates a low-cost and timely deployment)
  • Visualization and notification (customizable for each application and customer group at a low cost).

The modules are at TRL6 and there are already service customers in Romania. 

BEIA GmbH has been incorporated to further develop, adapt to local market and sell the platform in a basic scenario as a nationwide SaaS platform to public & private stakeholders in the smart IoT domain in Austria and DACH region. 

In the extended scenario, BEIA will commercialize the smart services developed within the Balkan/Danube region through BEIA’s sales and partners’ network.

Beia GmbH, has many partnerships in the Balkan/Danube region including government (cities, regions, national/regional agencies, organisations of municipalities, public transport companies, etc.), industry/large enterprises (DSO, SG/RES/ESS, EV/PV stakeholders, etc.), SMEs, critical infrastructure operators “CI” (telecom, food, energy, water, nuclear, metro/railway, chemical industry, RI, etc.), first responder organizations “FRO” (firefighters, ambulance, red cross, volunteer organizations, forensic investigators, crime scene investigators, CERT/CSIRT, etc.) law enforcement agencies “LEA” (police, border guard, customs, environmental guard, coast guard, ports administration, other authorities from the Ministry of Interior, etc.), NGO, SMEs and research/education organizations such as TU Wien, JOANNEUM, AIT, BOKU, WU Wien, University of Tuebingen (EKUT), Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (AAUK), etc.

Our IoT platform makes cities smarter and assists citizens for a better life with our slogan “We make Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) a natural thing”. The Unique Selling Point consists on the following aspects:

  • Integration of a wide range of IoT devices from various market leaders (Siemens, Verbund, Libelium, Fibaro etc.), addressing different market verticals including energy, smart cities, environmental monitoring, agriculture, water quality etc.
  • Integration of innovative state-of-the art technologies, including blockchain, artificial intelligence, Cloud / Edge data processing, IoT etc.
  • Modular and scalable architecture, with a high adaptation potential for multiple market verticals, on demand, with minimal costs;
  • Multiple data visualization options correlated with the market demand, including proprietary and third-party instruments;
  • Competitive commercialization price due to highly efficient development process involving open-source technologies and process automation.

BEIA provides innovative IoT-based telemetry services for multiple market verticals, including environmental monitoring, agriculture, smart city development, cybersecurity, energy etc. The service is provided through a web browser and will be billed based on time of usage to customers in the DACH region. Beia is developing in-house an innovative service, where the mirrored IoT object, referred to as VO, regards one of the main components of the proposed approach. Also, time critical cloud computing is deployed to enable industrial IoT and CPS for Industry 4.0, including usage of AI federated learning and blockchain for trust, transparency and traceability. Building upon the concept of the Digital or Device Twin, each VO is going to support a set of functionalities related to IoT devices management and IoT data management. Through the support of a local data store per VO, privacy and distributed data management functionalities will be developed. Data monetisation aspects will be also supported, since by combining data collected by the VO with functionalities provided by the data management IoT enablers, real-time and offline data streams can be made available. Distributed AI mechanisms will be also developed taking advantage of the distributed data made available at the edge part of the infrastructure. Furthermore, semantic interoperability is supported based on the registration of IoT devices represented by various semantic modelling approaches and their support through the associated VOs. Furthermore, a set of intelligent IoT devices are going to be made available to be compatible with existing devices (e.g., Siemens Sensor Box, Bosch IoT Eclipse plugin, wearables from various vendors) supporting the proposed approach for IoT devices modeling, management and interoperability and evaluating their acceptability and trust levels by end users. We will outsource testing and proof-of-concepts to relevant Research Institutes. 

Beia GmbH will benefit from licensing of Patents and within the projects, for the protection of industrial property rights, the following tools defined by the WIPO/EPO will be be analyzed for protection at EU / DACH region:

  • Patent
  • Utility Model
  • Industrial Design
  • Trademark

The owner of IPR will be Beia GmbH in the case of sole partner in projects and we will provide public deliverables as open source or open data. Results shall be owned by the project partner carrying out the work leading to such Results in case of consortiums. If any Result is created jointly by at least two project partners and it is not possible to distinguish between the contributions of each of the project partners, such work will be jointly owned by the contributing project partners according to the Consortium Agreement. The same shall apply if, in the course of carrying out work on the project, an invention is made having two or more contributing parties contributing to it, and it is not possible to separate the individual contributions. Any joint Results, including inventions and all related patent applications and patents shall be jointly owned by the contributing parties. In order to further the competitiveness of the EU market, and to enhance exploitation of the Consortium Results, each contributing party shall have full own freedom of action to exploit the joint IP as it wishes, and further the goals of the consortium. To promote this effort the contributing party will have full own consideration regarding their use of such joint Results and will be able to exploit the joint IP without the need to account in any way to the other joint contributor(s). Further details concerning jointly owned Results, joint inventions and joint patent applications will be addressed in the Consortium Agreement.As Results are owned by the project partner carrying out the work leading to such Results, each project partner shall have the right to transfer Results to their affiliated companies without prior notification to the other project partners, while always protecting and assuring the Access Rights of the other project partners. Such use of Results will encourage competitiveness of the EU market by creating broader uses of the Results and opening up the markets for the Consortium’s Results in all markets.

A central aim is to provide benefit to the European community. Some of the project partners may be either using Open Source code in their deliverables or contributing their deliverables to the Open Source communities. Alternatively, some of the partners may be contributing to Standards, be they open standards or other. Details concerning open source code use and standard contributions will be addressed in the Consortium Agreement. The integrated version of the platform is also envisaged to be released as an open-source version, facilitating its adoption by numerous stakeholders.As such, BEIA will investigate protection for patents and trademarks mainly at national ( and EU ( level.