ENTA – Encrypted Network Traffic Analysis for Cyber Security

Today, more than 80% of Internet traffic is encrypted and there is a strong need for innovative research and development of tools able to provide visibility into encrypted traffic and detect cyber-attacks. The ENTA project will explore two use cases based on Encrypted Network Traffic Analysis (ENTA) to: identify encrypted applications and encrypted Rogue IoT devices. The ENTA project will deliver an encrypted traffic analysis service platform for cyber security that will support a number of basic building blocks necessary for any ML/DL based traffic analysis. The platform will enable other application development e.g., detection of data exfiltation using encrypted channel.

Project leader:
AltBiswajit Nandy
Solana Networks, Canada


  • BEIA GmbH
  • Dalhousie University
  • Solana Networks
  • Metodos y Tecnologia
  • Ruag AG
  • Semantik Ar-Ge
  • Centre for Factories of the Future Ltd



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